The Round Table Trust

The Round Table Trust offers travel grants to young people from Britain and Ireland who volunteer for community service projects overseas.

Could we support you?


What are the criteria for our support?

If you:

  • will be over 18
  • Have to cover your own travel costs
  • Are travelling outside of the UK and Ireland
  • Your volunteering will provide tangible benefits to vulnerable people and/or communities in need (rather than ecological/environmental projects/research/expeditions/treks or work placements/medical electives)?
  • The community service aspect of your trip lasts for at least three weeks?
  • You are willing to submit a written report about your trip on your return to the Round Table Trust and give a presentation on it to your local Round Table or Ladies Circle group?
  • You are willing for your report and photographs to be used to promote the work of the Round Table Trust?


Then we might be able to help


How do I apply?

If you said yes to these questions, applying could not be simpler - just email to ask for an application form.

We will then send you an application form, and will let you know when you should expect a decision. We make our decisions at trustees meetings which are held a few times a year, so if you are travelling within the next month, it might not be possible to support your application.

The trust receives a high volume of applications, and competition for support is strong - a well written application, with endorsements from your local Round Table or Ladies Circle (you can get details here: and will boost your chances.

If you are successful for support from us, we will ask to see your trip details, and will assign you a mentor who will be on hand for your trip, and who will also be asking for updates and pictures so we can share your progress.

What is an endorsement from Round Table or Ladies Circle?

Round Table and Ladies Circle are service organisations who operate in the UK and internationally. Both clubs serve their local communities, and Round Table is for men aged 18-45, and Ladies Circle is for women aged 18-45. As well as serving their communities, both clubs get together regularly to do a range of activities - mostly to learn or do things, and definitely to build great friendships.

Valid applications may be considered more favourably if endorsed by an applicant’s local Round Table or Ladies Circle. To find and get in touch with your local club go to or

The local Table or Circle might ask you to attend one of their meetings to hear about your proposed trip, or they might be happy to meet informally or discuss it with you over the phone. However your local club is not obliged to endorse your application to the Round Table Trust, and support for any applications is at the discretion of the club’s members.

If they do support your application, then this should be indicated on the application form and a covering letter/email from the club should be forwarded to the Trust.

It is possible that your local Table/Circle may also sponsor you from their own charity funds but this too would be entirely at the discretion of its members, as each club has its own approach towards sponsorship and charitable donations.